Perspective, instinct and attitude are very important in my life. Between the daily grumbles about cash, the tea breaks to relieve the mind , the walks on the beach with my mind, the countless hours of thought, sparks of realization of chaos in which we live and pointless things that irritate the hell out of me; I thought of adding a new little perspective to my life through this.
Negativity has been a very good asset for me, It lets me get back to the foundations of everything and works me through the positive.
Getting philosophical and writing stuff that soothes my mind, keeping sanity in check, forsaking all contact, pondering over that which does not have a fixed criteria or boundary from our so called "society".
There are no fixed agendas to life.
Everything is how you see it.
Everything is about what your perspective is,
What your attitude towards it is,
Everything is based on your belief and instinct.
Negativity has been a very good asset for me, It lets me get back to the foundations of everything and works me through the positive.
Getting philosophical and writing stuff that soothes my mind, keeping sanity in check, forsaking all contact, pondering over that which does not have a fixed criteria or boundary from our so called "society".
There are no fixed agendas to life.
Everything is how you see it.
Everything is about what your perspective is,
What your attitude towards it is,
Everything is based on your belief and instinct.